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Principal of Sherburne PLLC, providing strategic advice in crisis environments  and in connection with regulatory policy developments. Jane serves on the Boards of HSBC North America Holdings and Teledyne Technologies, Inc. She is Chairman of the National Women's Law Center, and Co-Chair for Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law.


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Founding partner at Vantage Partners, where he works with organizations on their most critical relationships. By asking questions that sharpen his clients' focus, Mark helps them clarify their strategic relationships and brainstorm new ways of meeting both their own needs and those of their counterparts. He is the co-founder and former chairman of Conflict Management Group and served on the board of directors of Mercy Corps. Mark is the co-author of The Point of the Deal, published by Harvard Business School Publishing. 


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Associate Professor of Psychology at the Harvard Medical School/McLean Hospital; Director, Harvard International Negotiation Program; Associate Director, Harvard Negotiation Project, Harvard Law School. Dan Chaired the World Economic Forum's Global Agenda Council on Conflict Resolution. Author of Negotiating the Non-Negotiable (2016) and Beyond Reason (2005).

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Founder & Partner at CMPartners and Senior Adviser at Albright Stonebridge Group. Ken served as the Acting Under Secretary and Deputy Under Secretary for International Trade at the United States Department of Commerce. He oversaw the strategy and operations of the International Trade Administration (ITA). Prior to forming CMPartners, Mr. Hyatt was a Principal at Conflict Management Inc.

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Chair in Leadership and Negotiation at the Florence School of Transnational Governance at the European University Institute. Alain is a member of the Executive Committee of the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School. Alain is the author of multiple books including such as The First Move. A Negotiator’s Companion; and Mediation: Negotiation by Other Moves. 


Principal at CMPartners; Senior Facilitator at Vantage Partners; Senior Advisor at Dragonfly Partners; Senior Adviser to the Kennedy School Negotiation Project at Harvard University; and Adjunct Lecturer at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University.

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Managing Director at Humanity United, overseeing the Peacebuilding & Conflict Transformation areas. In her role, Melanie develops, refines, and implements strategies to build peace and counter violent conflict.  Previously she was President and CEO of the Alliance for Peacebuilding. Before that, she was the President and Founder of the Cypress Fund for Peace and Security, a foundation making grants in the areas of peacebuilding and nuclear nonproliferation.  

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